
Showing posts from April, 2015

Trek: Lama Hotel to Langtang and Kyangin Ri

We left the Gatlang / Briddhim region of our walk by entering the track at Lama Hotel (2470m), and then headed up the Langtang valley staying at Langtang village (3430m.). The next day we walked to Kyangjin village (3870m). In the morning we ascended Kyangjin Ri which is at 4350m and then we descended back to Langtang village.

Trek: Briddhim to Lama Hotel

Today we headed to Lama Hotel which is at the entry point into the Langtang valley. This morning I kicked the ball with the local kids. My stomach was still not quite right, Katie not feeling so well either and slept soundly for quite some time. The walk and heat was taking its toll on her. We probably were not drinking enough water either.

Trek: Nagthali to Briddhim

The day starts off bright and sunny. Our mood is upbeat, maybe the prayer flags are working their magic.