Trek: Briddhim to Lama Hotel

Today we headed to Lama Hotel which is at the entry point into the Langtang valley. This morning I kicked the ball with the local kids. My stomach was still not quite right, Katie not feeling so well either and slept soundly for quite some time. The walk and heat was taking its toll on her. We probably were not drinking enough water either.
I had a breakfast of Tibetan bread and boiled eggs, which tasted good and provides good fuel for the day ahead. The kitchen was typical of most in this region, a fuel stove made of steel, with big pots and pans to prepare food for visitors and family.
We so far have had no problems with the food and have stuck mostly to vegetarian with eggs to keep the protein levels up. Eggs are a great form of protein and are always fresh with a ready supply from the farmyard hens.
The walk was on undulating terrain, we are travellingon a contour that is very steep. The view into the valley was superb.
The rhododendrons were abundant round here, as we were in a forest. The day was very warm and a bit humid. We and perhaps our guide and porter are fatigued after the big haul in the heat yesterday.
We stayed at the Tibet guest house, it is interesting how businesses like to promote another country other than their own for their business name. I suppose we do it all the time in Australia. There is close alliance with the people from Tibet, being a neighboring country it is hardly surprising and with the bullyboy takeover by the Chinese it was a choice between Nepal and India for escape. Anyway, I am wondering off topic ! The place was clean and the patron friendly, run by a pleasant lady wearing glasses.
There was a small shop providing souvenirs and snacks. The prices of food are on the high side compared to the other places visited. I refused at pay $2.50 per roll of toilet paper and I should of bought a few, as later it soared to $4 per roll: there is money in muck as they say!
We found a resident cat that looked very much like one of our cats at home. In keeping with our cats, it wasn't too keen on my picking it up. I don't blame it either.
One of the ladies does her own weaving. I purchased a small rug that is now used on my office chair, very similar in design to the one in this picture. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, we can't buy a lot of souveniers due to the fact we have to carry them.
Wherever there is arable land there will be a food crop of some kind, especially in the high villages where land is scarce.
Religious art along the way depicting stories or images Bhudda crop up occasionally. They and the prayer flags and wheels are a pleasant cultural distraction.
The mountain scenery, flowers and rural nature made this walk quite pleasant. It wasn't easy, a tad on the hot side, but it was quite rewarding.
The track was in good condition, some bits made you wonder about safety, but we figured that animals and many others traveled the same road so statistically the only thing that will let us down is ourselves.
Our resting destination "Lama Hotel" does actually have a hotel by that name. We chose not to stay there as we felt the Tibet guest house had a more personal touch to it

