Kathmandu to Syabru Besi

Today we drove from Kathmandu to Syabru Besi. Even though it was a long one, we travelled in a comfortable SUV and had a stops whenever we felt the need. After the long haul on the plane to get here from Melbourne, an additional few hours in a vehicle didn't matter a great deal: we slept a good deal of the way.
Even though it is only 150km, wending up and down hills, dealing with the chaotic Kathmandu traffic and with slow trucks to overtake perilously, slows the overall pace is reduced to that of a snail.

The scenery very pleasant, getting better as we approached our destination. we stopped at times to absorb the scenery and smell the roses, or should I say rhododendrons. 

The vehicle was a quite recent model, providing good comfort. I am glad to have spent the extra as it beats being crammed in a bus and taking twice as long. 

Nepal is a mountainous country, what they call hills are mountains in Australia. Every opportunity is used to carve out a field to plant crops, at the expense of the forest. In many areas animal dung is burnt instead of wood because of the overall shortage.
The buildings might not be to Australian codes, mostly stone or concrete but they are colourful and hold a special charm. The earth quake soon after we got back turned a lot of these towns to rubble. 

I was watching these kids playing carom, a game of Indian origin and ended up buying the game when I got home. It's quite a bit of fun and keeps the family and friends entertained. 

Say tata to the trucks ! They are huge and brightly coloured affairs, loaded to the hilt and often carrying a payload of passengers on the top and roof. 

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